Doing what we do best... dining

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Miller... we have a problem.

The last post, with the Creme Brulee recipe, created a problem. It wasn't an overly surprising problem (as I noted it at the end of the post), but an unfortunate problem, nonetheless. My waistline seems to have vanished. It's gone to the waistline graveyard with a tombstone reading"Here lies what was once Kristin's respectable waistline. Damn you, Creme Brulee."
It certainly wasn't a difficult or long, drawn out death. By my estimation, it only took about 4 weeks and approximately 15 servings of Creme Brulee (and an unmentionable number of other desserts here and there). That stuff is dangerous.

So now, back to exercising, and (hopefully) my road to recovery from my sweets addiction. Having just completed my first work out in waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long, I would like nothing more than a glass of wine and some burnt sugar atop light, fluffy custard. I'm settling for the glass of wine and blogging about my compulsion with confections. Spare tire be damned! I will see my waistline again soon!!!

On to food.... thanks for allowing the rant....

There has been a great deal of good cooking happening in the Miller Home. Birthdays and BBQ's have had Brian cooking all sorts of delicious fare. The recipe that follows is inspired by a dish at one of our favorite restaurants in Columbus, Cameron Mitchell's Marcella's. It's a great appetizer or first course. While not exactly heath food, it's excellent... enjoy in moderation.

Baked Brie with Apples & Honey

You'll need:

1 round of Brie cheese (do not remove rind)
1 small loaf of sourdough bread or brioche cut into small pieces
1-2 tart apples, thinly sliced
1/4 cup honey or agave nectar
Olive Oil (for the bread)

The steps:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Place the bread on a cookie sheet. Lightly brush each piece olive oil. Just a sheer coating will do.
Place the Brie wheel, rind and all, on a cookie sheet. Bake on the top rack for 10-12 minutes, or until the cheese is oozing out of the rind a bit.
Remove and let stand for about 5 minutes.

While the cheese is cooling, place the bread in the already-to-temp oven. Toast them for about 5-7 minutes, until the tops are just browning.

Schmear the Brie on a toast, top with an apple slice, and drizzle with the honey or agave nectar. And wow do you have an amazing dish.

Eat and enjoy!

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